Are your business intelligent investments going to waste?
In the spring of 2020, Dimensional Research completed a global report investigating what number of organizations already rely upon Business Intelligence (BI) tools as a significant part of their regular operations. The findings were overwhelming: of pretty much 500 data specialists reviewed, 98 percent communicated that BI tools play some role in their company’s standard business operations.
Doubtlessly many companies already see the value BI tools can deliver, whether or not that is by introducing information and experiences to help streamline the business decision-making process, by conveying actionable reports to senior authority teams, or by providing them intelligence required to help operational efficiencies and, clearly, profitability.
In any case, the investigation didn’t stop there – notwithstanding following overall BI use trends, Dimensional Research also analyzed whether these tools were being used to their most extreme limit or whether there was a danger that organizations were, at least to some degree, wasting their investments.
People, Processes, and Technology
Organizations often miss the mark on cybersecurity when they focus overwhelmingly around the technology segments of their operations as opposed to seeing people, processes, and technology in a more general way. Counting the audit team in cybersecurity guarantees that the thought isn’t just on technology implementations; auditors also can discover events when technology solutions are sitting on the rack or being underutilized, rather than being applied to intentionally address security risks. Besides, audits can help evaluate critical business challenges, for instance, coverage models, abilities, training, and gaps in particular resource capabilities.
When organizations are adequately gifted to go to their audit teams for cybersecurity support, auditors must be prepared to convey value, change in accordance with the speed of their business. Likewise, as the companies that auditors support are rapidly transforming, the audit teams must adhere to this same example. This can be troublesome, considering many IT auditors got a considerable amount of their professional training many years ago, when the word cybersecurity didn’t structure the thought it does today. And before transformative technologies, for instance, AI, connected Internet of Things devices, and cloud-based platforms were so prevalent and compelling.
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